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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My dyslexic resposne to Same-Sex Marriage Community Consultation been held by Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP

Michael Shreenan


NSW 2017

19th January 2011

Dear Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP

I am writing to confirm my personal support for the amendment to the marriage act to allow same sex couples to be married. I also wish to congratulate you in consulting your electorate on this subject.

My reason for this support is outlined below.

First of all as a gay man, I have personally suffered and witnessed the extremes of homophobia over many years, particular so when I was a teenager being brought up in Glasgow Scotland. I am pleased to say that the level of homophobia that existed then does not exist with the same viciousness now. Society has come a long way in that last few decades, never the less a lot more has to be done.

As a teenager, through homophobia I was made homeless three times, assaulted, and ex-communicated from my local church where I was highly active in and at the time was my only support network. I am pleased to say that having come through that I now have an active career in the welfare sector, and have been happily living with my partner for the last 11 years.

Despite having been in a secure, stable and loving relationship for the last 11 years, I do not have right to choose to become married, in the same way that my ‘heterosexual’ friends, family and work mates can. This I believe to be because of archaic and entrenched views by those who remain prejudice in our society. It addition these prejudices are enhanced by the lack of courageous, fearless and more modern politicians who are supposed to represent the views of everyone in their electorate through equality in its truest meaning of the word.

As I understand it is the current view of the Australian Labor Party that Marriage is between a man and woman and should not be open to same sex couples. In this day and age, it is unacceptable for Labour party to be anything other than on the side of equality, given its roots; history and it own claimed party values. This current stance is surely based on a non-objective; weak, ignorant and prejudiced view which to be honest I find shameful.

There is no logical reason why if I chose to do so, be allowed to marry my partner of 11 years.

I was brought up to understand that weddings are a time, where a couple would make a public commitment to each other to spend the rest of their lives together in a respectful union of love. That a marriage ceremony was when families of both partners where asked to acknowledge, support and respect this union, and celebrate it with them whilst welcome the couple in to each other’s families.

The arguments current circulating against same sex marriage as you are no doubt aware of a ranging from religious grounds, procreation, it would threaten the intuition of marriage, it would ruin tradition, and somehow would miraculous spread homosexuality (as it’s highly contagious) to wider audience.

The stupidity of these arguments should not take too much leadership or wisdom to challenge. I outlined some of the counter arguments below but am sure there are many more people out there that could do it more articulately and scientifically than I could.

Religious grounds

Those who are opposing on religious grounds, whilst it’s understandable, it should not form any part of an objective debate on legislation. They tend to be using selective text from the bible, often out of context whilst carefully missing other passages in the bible. For example: Such as those that condone slavery or killing of rebellious daughters. As Christian I feel any use of the bible selectively in condemning, judging, or oppress ‘homosexuals’ is totally un-Christian and against the overall Christian message of Love, acceptance, tolerance, and equality. Any number of quotations from the bible could give politicians a hard time in their policy agenda, and therefore any arguments based on religious grounds should not be allowed to enter this debate. The same quotations used by other faiths would be possibly be considered as extremists but how is this not so if it come from a mainstream Christian organisation operating in Australia use the same text to confirm their own prejudicial stance on homosexuality.

Marriage is for Procreation

Well does that mean those who find themselves to be infertile shouldn’t be allowed to marry? Or those who do not have kids by choice after certain time period would have to give their wedding rings back? Why would my Marriage to my partner of 11 years affect or reduce anyone else’s ability to have children…?

It would threaten the intuition of marriage

How so..? Surely it would add to the institution of marriage..? And strengthen the argument for longer term stability and commitment in relationships. There is no earthly or objective reason why two men or to women joining in marriage would affect anyone else ability to marry

It’s untraditional

It was traditional for everyone to smoke and to smoke everywhere? It traditional and religious not to divorce…yet today it’s allowed and we rightly accept that sometimes relationships don’t work out and it is better for all involved that separation take place. E.g.: such as domestic violence cases, infidelity etc.

It was tradition not have kids out with wedlock, now no one gives it a second thought. It was tradition to lock up those with learning disabilities, mental health issues and to have slaves… thankfully we gave up all these shameful evils as our society evolves. Surely it’s time to give up the evil discrimination against those who find themselves to be gay?

Spreading of homosexuality

Well this argument is by those living in the dark ages and lack understanding in sexuality. Homosexuality is not choice, it’s not an illness, and it’s not evil practice, it’s not due to demon possession, poor parenting and it is not a contagious disease. It is what it is, I no more choose to be gay than you did to be straight, It natural it’s called being human.

In summary

I trust you will pelage you’re support to the equality of choice.

The Labour party and the Australian parliament should lead us to age where we eradicate inequality, injustice and discrimination in all its legislative forms.

Australia the country that rightly so, prides itself in its freedom, diversity, respectful mateship and the right to fair go for all, as one of the most diverse countries surely we should be leading the world by example by bringing the right to marriage for all and end of all forms of discrimination for our many LGTB community members.

If not I would Like the ALP party to clear state their arguments and reasons for not allowing me the choice of having my 11 year relationship to be recognised by marriage or that of many other same-sex couples I know.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael M Shreenan

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